Humorous Hits and How to Hold an Audience Page 6
Adams, Charles Fallen, 185
Adeler, Max, 141
A-feared of a Gal, 237
Afternoon, One, 196
Agnes, I Lore Thee!, 81
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 47
Almost Beyond Endurance, 89
Amateur Night, 98
Amsbary, Wallace Bruce, 107
And She Cried, 68
Anstey, F., 210
At Five-o'clock Tea, 143
At the Restaurant, 235
Aux Italiens, 322
Bachelor Sews on a Button, How a, 154
Bailey, James M., 57
Baine, William, 282
Banging a Sensational Novelist, 83
Barbara Frietchie, Parody on, 137
Bary Jade, Lides to, 168
Becky Miller, 115
Before and After, 139
Belagcholly Days, 93
Bengaugh, J. W., 110
Beyond Endurance, Almost, 89
Big Mistake, A, 129
Big Words, Don't Use, 163
Billy of Nebraska, 110
Blackstonian Circumlocution, His, 233
Blossom, Henry M., Jr., 152
Book Agent, The Merchant and the, 134
Boss, John C., 247
Bounding the United States, 101
Boy, Dot Leetle, 69
Boy, Papa and the, 208
Bradley, Mary E., 154
Break, Break, Break, 277
Bridegroom's Toast, The, 203
Brooks, Fred Emerson, 40
Burbank, 261
Burdette, Robert J., 199
Burton, Richard, 267
Byron, 269
Candidate, The, 193
Carcassonne, 314
Card, The C'rrect, 300
Cards, Life Compared to a Game of, 289
Carlotta Mia, 228
Casey at the Bat, 147
Casuistry, Cupid's, 39
Cato's Soliloquy on Immortality, 311
Chance, They Met by, 203
"Charlie Must Not Ring To-night", 169
Checkers, A Friendly Game of, 150
Christopher Columbus, 155
Circumlocution, His Blackstonian, 233
Coles, Cynthia, 146
Como, 319
Content, I Am, 274
Coon's Lullaby, The, 136
Corydon, 47
Counting Eggs, 86
Counting One Hundred, 57
Crooked Mouth Family, The, 122
C'rrect Card, The, 300
Cupid's Casuistry, 39
Curfew, The Elocutionist's, 24
Cyclopeedy, The, 239
Daly, T. A., 114, 228
Dandy Fifth, The, 293
Da 'Mericana Girl, 114
D'Arcy, H. Antoine, 306
Davis, Daniel Webster, 49
Dead Kitten, The, 33
Desprez, F., 284
Dialectic Sketch, A Lancashire, 232
Dickens, Charles, 216
Difficulty of Riming, The, 179
Doctor Marigold, 216
Dog und der Lobster, Der, 102
Don't Use Big Words, 163
Dot lambs Vot Mary Haf Got, 112
Dot Leedle Boy, 69
Double, and How He Undid Me, My, 171
Drummond, W. H., 271
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 35, 153
Dundreary's Letter, Lord, 131
Dunne, Finlay Peter, 73
Dutchman's Serenade, The, 220
Eagle's Song, The, 275
Earl King, The, 313
Echo, 244
Edwards, H. S., 44
Ehrmann, Max, 98
Eggs, Counting, 86
Elocutionist's Curfew, The, 24
Enchanted Shirt, The, 183
Endurance, Almost Beyond, 89
Engineer's Story, The, 303
Eve of Waterloo, The, 269
Face Upon the Floor, The, 306
Faith, The Ship of, 187
Fairies' Tea, The, 85
Familiar Lines, 149
Fan, A Lesson with the, 50
Feller, A little, 126
Father's Way, 272
Field, Eugene, 239, 272
Fiend, The Weather, 34
Fifteen Minutes, Her, 28
Finnigan to Flannigan, 175
Fiske, John, 101
Five-o'clock Tea, At, 143
Flannigan, Finnigan to, 175
Flowers, The Funeral of the, 309
Foss, S. W., 213, 287
Fly, The, 156
Foolin', Quit Your, 250
Fool's Prayer, The, 268
Foxes' Tails, The, 29
Freckled-face Girl, The, 96
Funeral of the Flowers, The, 309
Gal, A-feared of a, 237
Gassaway, F. H., 293
Georga Washingdone, 113
Gib Him One ub Mine, 49
Gilbert, W. S., 157
Gillinan, S. W., 175
Girl, The Freckled-face, 96
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 313
Gorilla, The, 82
Grape-seed, 190
Grilley, Charles T., 39, 139
Greek Meets Greek, When, 140
Hale, Edward Everett, 171
Hammock, Romance of a, 173
Harbour, J. L., 208
Harp of a Thousand Strings, The, 177
Hat in the Pit, The Obstructive, 210
Hatton, Henry, 104
Hay, John, 183
He Laughed Last, 103
Heaton, John L., 160
Henry the Fifth's Wooing, 254
Hens, Lavery's, 201
He Wanted to Know, 188
Her Fifteen Minutes, 28
His Blackstonian Circumlocution, 233
His Leg Shot Off, 224
Hood, Thomas, 78
Hopkins' Last Moments, 84
How a Bachelor Sews on a Button, 154
Hullo, 213
Huntley, Stanley, 204
I Am Content, 274
Idyl on "Grass," A Spring, 52
Idyl, A Twilight, 199
If I Can Be By Her, 65
If We Had the Time, 267
I Knew He Would Come if I Waited, 76
"Imph-M", 124
Ingalls, John J., 312
Introducin' the Speecher, 54
Introduction, An, 177
Irish Philosopher, The, 91
Irving, Minna, 68
Irwin, Wallace, 229
Italiens, Aux, 322
I Tol' Yer So, 160
Joke, Leaving Out the, 238
Julie Plante, The Wreck of the, 271
Khan, The, 225
Katie's Answer, 79
Katrina Likes Me Poody Vell, 234
Keep A'goin'!, 145
Kerr, Joe, 161
King, Byron W., 42
King, Benjamin Franklin, 65
Kiser, S. E., 95
Kitten, The Dead, 33
Kleiser, Grenville, 60
Lamb, The Original, 95
Lambs Vot Mary Haf Got, Dot, 112
Lampton, W. J., 39
Lancashire Dialectic Sketch, A, 232
Lariat Bill, 192
Lasca, 284
Last Moments, Hopkins', 84
Laughed Last, He, 103
Laughton, James L., 251
Lavery's Hens, 201
Leacock, Stephen, 25
Leaving Out the Joke, 238
Leg Shot Off, His, 224
Lesson with the Fan, A, 50
Letter, Lord Dundreary's, 131
Lever, Charles, 222
Life Compared to a Game of Cards, 289
Lides to Bary Jade, 168
Lincoln, On, 296
Lisp, 202
Little Stowaway, The, 296
mis, Charles Battell, 167
Lord Dundreary's Letter, 131
Lover's Quarrel, A, 146
Love's Moods and Senses, 77
"L," Song of the, 60
Lullaby, 153
Lullaby, The Coon's, 136
Macaulay, 277
MacDonald, George, 118
Malone, Walter, 312
Malone, Widow, 222
Mammy's Li'l Boy, 44
Man Who Will Make a Speech, The, 227
Mansfield, Richard, 275
Marketing, 52
Married Life, Ups and Downs of, 121
Mason, She Would be a, 251
Masson, Tom, 28
Mayor, Pat and the, 116
McCarthy and McManus, 66
Melpomenus Jones, 25
Merchant and the Book Agent, The, 134
Meredith, Owen, 322
'Mericana Girl, Da, 114
Miller, Joaquin, 319
Mistake, A Big, 129
Mr. Dooley on the Grip, 73
Mr. Potts' Story, 141
Modern Romance, 152
Morgan, Carrie Blake, 51
Morris, Joshua S., 177
Mule Stood on der Steamboat Deck, Der, 164
Mumbles Head, The Women of, 279
Musicians, The, 315
My Double, and How He Undid Me, 171
"Nancy Bell," The Yarn of the, 157
Nesbit, W. D., 24
New School Reader, The, 165
Nocturnal Sketch, A, 78
Norah Murphy and the Spirits, 104
Nothing Suited Him, 126
Not In It, 198
Nye, Bill, 193
Oak und der Vine, Der, 185
Oatmobile, The, 87
Obstructive Hat in the Pit, The, 210
Old Daddy Turner, 290
One Afternoon, 196
On Lincoln, 296
On the Rappahannock, 317
Opie Read, 107
Opportunity, 312
Opportunity, An, 190
Opportunity's Reply, 312
Oracle, The Village, 62
Organist, The Volunteer, 287
Original Lamb, The, 95
Our Railroads, 245
Papa and the Boy, 208
Parody on Barbara Frietchie, 137
Passion, The Ruling, 219
Pat and the Mayor, 116
Pat's Reason, 249
Philosopher, The Irish, 91
Phrases, Slang, 133
Poor Was Mad, The, 167
Prayer, The Fool's, 268
Presentation of the Trumpet, 162
Proof Positive, 90
Quarrel, A Lover's, 146
Quarreled, They Never, 58
Quit Your Foolin', 250
Race Question, The, 35
Railroads, Our, 245
Rainy Day Episode, A, 75
Rappahannock, On the, 317
Reader, The New School, 165
Reason, Pat's, 249
Reason Why, The, 154
Rehearsing for Private Theatricals, 204
Reply, Opportunity's, 312
Restaurant, At the, 235
Riley, James Whitcomb, 23, 69, 89
Riming, The Difficulty of, 179
Ring To-night, Charlie Must Not, 169
"Rip Van Winkle," Scenes from, 261
Rivals, Scenes from the, 258
Robin Tamson's Smiddy, 127
Roche, James Jeffrey, 206
Rodger, Alexander, 127
Romance, Modern, 152
Romance of a Hammock, 173
Ruling Passion, The, 219
Saint Crispian's Day, 299
Saxe, John G., 244
Scott, Clement, 279
Sensational Novelist, Banging a, 83
Serenade, The Dutchman's, 220
Sermon, A Short, 231
Shakespeare, 254, 299
She Would Be a Mason, 251
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 258
Sherwood, M. E. W., 314
Ship of Faith, The, 187
Shirt, The Enchanted, 183
Short Encore, A, 170
Short Sermon, A, 231
Sill, Edward Rowland, 268
Sims, George R., 300
Siviter, William H., 219
Slang Phrases, 133
Smiddy, Robin Tamson's, 127
Smiley, Joseph Bert, 181
Song, The Eagle's, 275
Song of the "L.", 60
So Was I, 181
"'Spaecially Jim", 80
Speecher, Introducin' the, 54
Speech, The Man Who Will Make a, 227
Spirits, Norah Murphy and the, 104
Spring Idyl on "Grass," A, 52
Stanton, Frank L., 145
Story, The Engineer's, 303
Stowaway, The Little, 296
Stuttering Umpire, The, 225
Sylva, Carmen, 274
Talmadge, T. De Witt, 309
Telephone, The Dutchman's, 214
Tell and His Boy, William, 282
Tennyson, Alfred, 277
Thayer, Phineas, 147
Theatricals, Rehearsing for Private, 204
They Never Quarreled, 58
Thorpe, Rosa H., 303
Time, If We Had the, 267
Toast, The Bridegroom's, 203
Total Annihilation, 120
Train, Misses the, 23
Tramp, The, 292
Trumpet, Presentation of the, 162
Turner, Old Daddy, 290
Twain, Mark, 177
Twilight Idyl, A, 199
Undertow, The, 51
United States, Bounding the, 101
Umpire, The Stuttering, 225
Ups and Downs of Married Life, The, 121
Usual Way, The, 125
V-a-s-e, The, 206
Vassar Girl, The, 229
Village Choir, The, 108
Village Oracle, The, 62
Virginius, 277
Volunteer Organist, The, 287
Wade, Morris, 143
Wakin' the Young 'Uns, 247
Watchin' the Sparkin', 40
Waterloo, The Eve of, 269
Waterman, Nixon, 52
Way, Father's, 272
Way, The Usual, 125
Way of a Woman, The, 42
Weather Fiend, The, 34
When Greek Meets Greek, 140
When Ma Lady Yawns, 39
When Pa Was a Boy, 95
When the Woodbine Turns Red, 38
Whitman, Walt, 296
Widow Malone, 222
William Tell and His Boy, 282
Williamson, H. G., 76
Willie, 98
Wind and the Moon, The, 118
Woman, The Ways of a, 42
Women of Mumbles Head, The, 279
Woodbine Turns Red, When the, 38
Wreck of the Julie Plante, The, 271
Yacht Club Speech, The, 43
Yarn of the "Nancy Bell," The, 157
Yawns, When Ma Lady, 39
"You Git Up!", 161